Our Care Approach

A great deal of scientific evidence shows that lifestyle choices have a substantial impact on brain health.  Designed for those without active disease, the mission of the McCance Center Brain Health Clinic is to provide unparalleled access to cutting-edge research and the latest advancements in clinical care to stop brain disease from ever developing. Our preventative approach to care aims to empower healthy individuals to adopt sustainable habits around the latest innovations in:

The Importance of Research

Your brain health needs change as you age, as do the lifestyle choices that best serve you. We attend to these changing needs by re-evaluating and adapting our clinical recommendations over time. These recommendations are largely informed by the insights you provide through your participation in our innovative research – ranging from genomic sequencing and brain imaging to the pioneering of new clinical trials. Your participation in these studies not only supports your own brain health goals, but also helps to further brain health knowledge for generations to come.