McCance About the McCance Center
About the McCance Center

Why Brain Health?

Estimates are that 3 out of 5 Americans will develop a disorder of the brain over the course of their lifetime. These disorders, ranging from Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and stroke, to depression and anxiety, begin developing decades before symptoms appear. In fact, the brain begins showing signs of cognitive decline in a person as early as their 20’s. With modern medicine we are living longer, but our brains are not keeping pace.

Brain Health Span

As much as we have learned about brain health in recent years, we still do not have a clear plan for incorporating brain health screens or preventative brain health strategies into our yearly check-ups. The brain remains the only part of the body that we do not care for prior to the onset of symptoms – decades too late.

Why Us?

The McCance Center for Brain Health exists to address this widening gap between lifespan and brain health span. We know if we can identify the biomarkers that are linked to brain health, we can apply appropriate interventions early enough to prevent brain disease and preserve brain function. Located at Massachusetts General Hospital, and embedded in one of the world’s leading biomedical research communities, the McCance Center is uniquely positioned to be the convener of a world-class international brain health consortium dedicated to advancements in:

Brain health is so much more than keeping yourself free from brain disease. It is through your brain that you experience, learn, and care for yourself and others. Preserving and promoting brain health is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. We are dedicated to helping you incorporate strategies that will ensure your brain is functioning at its greatest potential, no matter your age.